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Lamoni TimeBanking Neighbors Trade Skills

Around Lamoni (Pictured: "TimeBanking/Lamoni member Frank Finks displays the Helen Keller quote on the back of his t-shirt: 'Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much' which reflects the group's purpose.") TimeBanking/Lamoni (tB/L), part of an international program, began in Lamoni in 2013. Even with 47 members who have exchanged 2,770 hours of service, it is the best kept secret in town!. . . .

NuEta's Angel Tree - 2024

The NuEta Club was honored to carry on the Angel Tree tradition for Christmas 2024. The group feels strongly about supporting the community of Lamoni with their time. Many community members support this event as well. This year we extend a special THANK YOU to Freedom Racing’s Tad Whittom and Taylor Fencing’s Justin Nary who graciously selected all remaining Angels to ensure every Angel felt the spirit of Christmas.   . . .

Lamoni FFA Donates to the Angel Tree

(Pictured: Cortlynn Homes - Historian, Tami Shaw - Deputy City Clerk, Macie Jeanes - Treasurer, Ambrose Savage - President, Peyton Davis - Vice President, and Kelan Stevenson - Sentinel) On December 11, 2024, the Lamoni FFA Chapter worked shifts at the Lamoni Pizza Hut to raise monetary donations for the NuEta Angel Tree. These FFA members did tasks such as taking orders, getting beverages, clearing tables, and washing dishes. The . . .

Polly's Pop is Pop'n Up in Lamoni

On Tuesday November 5th I was taking a stroll down Main Street, aiming to take a look at a colorful display that now adorns the once dark windows of 119 E Main Street. I had seen the Polly's Pop logo in passing several times over the last few weeks, and was intrigued as I had recalled my father mentioning the brand being a favorite of his youth growing up in the Independence/Kansas City Missouri area.       A . . .

Tree Planting in North and Central Parks

“The long-awaited tree planting has finally come,” said Mayor Doug Foster, “after a tree drive fundraiser that took place last year.”  Lamoni was fortunate to have raised $11,300 in those efforts.  Trees were ordered through Hynek’s Tree Farm in Beaconsfield, Iowa. Hynek Tree Farm is a family-owned business that specializes in providing a variety of trees for landscaping and decorative . . .

Volunteering – A Neighborly Thing to Do

(Pictured: AmeriCorps volunteers volunteer as servers at the Lamoni Volunteer Fair.) Lamoni's Volunteers Fair was a bustling hub of community partnerships last Tuesday as residents explored volunteer organization tables in the Central Park Garden Area.  The tables lined the path from City Hall to the Community Center, overflowing into the parking lot where the Decatur County Cattleman served up their usual flavorful, juicy . . .

Comprehensive Plan DRAFT

The draft of the Comprehensive Plan can be seen at: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/uv1cyjzpqe4z5ytlv2pxw/AEKHR5BXE0xqeGl1infVegs?rlkey=scp4tzzsr54vksxc8nqjtssqa&st=mqfdx635&dl=0

Lamoni Wheels Offers Transportation

Guidelines for Volunteer Drivers’ Service o    The driver needs to know that insurance coverage is with the driver’s vehicle (i.e., Lamoni Wheels will not carry insurance coverage.).  o    The rider is required to sign a “Release” agreement for any injuries sustained while an occupant of a safely driven vehicle. o    The rider needs to always call . . .

ROCCS Help with Little River Playground Build

ROCCS members Ambrose Savage, Karlee Hamaker, and Cal Martin are shown among the many boxes of equipment shipped in to build the Little River Lookout Community Playground. This huge project is being built June 10th through June 15th, with over 240 volunteer shifts filled to-date! The Grand Opening of the playground will be Sunday, June 30th, at 5:00pm. Families and attendees may bring a picnic lunch to enjoy after the Grand . . .

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